Selasa, 30 Oktober 2012

tujuan pendidikan kewarganegaraaan


A. Definition of Citizenship Education
Moral education consists of two words, namely education and citizenship. Civic education materials used in the teaching of Pancasila and citizenship education (CIVICS).
Many education experts say understanding. Among a lot of sense is presented as follows:
1. According to the National Education Law No.20 Year 2003 Chapter 1 Article 1 says: "Education is a conscious and planned to create an atmosphere of learning and the learning process for participants
be educated
actively develop their potential to have a religious spiritual strength, self-control, personality, intelligence, morals              

2. According to Carter v.good (1997) education is the process of skill development in the form of a person's attitudes and behaviors prevailing in society.
3. According to Godfrey Thomson (1977) said that education is the influence of the environment on the individual to produce a permanent change in the habits of behavior, thoughts and feelings.

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