Selasa, 30 Oktober 2012

sejarah renang

History of Sports Pool In The World

Pool sejah known pre-history. From the pictures that come from the stone age caves known for swimmers near Wadi Sora southwest Egypt. In Japan, the pool is the ability to be possessed by the samurai. History records the first pool match organized by Suigui Emperor in 36 BC.

The match pool which the title has already begun in Europe around 1800 and mostly using the breaststroke. Freestyle was first introduced by Arthur Trudgen. This force then start combined with style leg kick by Richard Cavill in 1902. In the Middle Ages, the pool included in the seven skills that must be possessed by warriors including swimming with weapons.

Sports pools competed in the first modern Olympic Games 1896 in Athens, Greece. At these Olympics, competed only four numbers from the original plan of six numbers. Each of these is the 100 meters, 500 meters, 1,200 meters, free number, and 100 meters for sailors. Second Olympics held in Paris, France in 1900 and the fight for the 200 m, 1,000 m, 4,000 m, free number, 200 m breaststroke and 200 m team number.

Unity Centre International (Federation Internationale De Natation De Amateur / FINA) was formed in 1908 originally set, butterfly style is a variation of the breaststroke. This new style became a separate style in 1952. New women allowed to join the match pool at the 1912 Olympic Games in Stockholm, The Netherlands.

Freestyle, which was then called the Trudgen, introduced in 1973 by John Arthur Trudgen, copy it from the Native Americans. Swimming was part of the first modern Olympic games in 1896 in Athens. In 1902 the Trudgen updated by Richard Cavill, using the jolt shook. In 1908, the world swimming association, the International Amateur Swimming Federation (FINA / Federation Internationale de Natation de Amateur) was formed. Butterfly first is a variation of the breaststroke, until it was accepted as a separate style in 1952.

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