Senin, 22 Oktober 2012

Cara perawatan monitor komputer

Tips yang Berguna Dalam Perawatan Monitor Komputer Anda ImageUseful Tips In Your Computer Monitor Care

Computer monitor or laptop is one of the vital functions of the hardware carrying the overall activities in computer use. Right now there are some types of monitors on the market, ranging from CRT monitors (catode Ray Tube) conventional, LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) and LED (Light Emitting Diode) monitor.

CRT monitors are beginning to be penggunannya because the technology has begun to seem outdated and not energy efficient. LCD and LED monitors are widely used in recent years because the size is more space-efficient, practical, able to produce a much better color and more than regular CRT monitors and energy efficient. However, LCD monitors and LED has more surface sensitive and easily scratched than CRT-based glass, so care needs to be extra careful for that.

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