Selasa, 30 Oktober 2012

Pengertian IPA

Definition of Natural Sciences
Natural science or science (science) is taken from the Latin word which literally means Scientia is knowledge, but later developed into a special Natural Science or Science. Sund and Trowbribge formulate that science is a body of knowledge and processes.
While Kuslan Stone says that Science is a body of knowledge and the means to acquire and use knowledge. Science is a product and process that can not be separated. "Real Science is both product and process, inseparably Joint" (Agus. S. 2003: 11)
Science as a process of steps taken by the scientists to conduct investigations in order to find an explanation of natural phenomena. The move is to formulate the problem, formulating hypotheses, designing experiments, collecting data, analyzing and finally conclude. From this it appears that the fundamental characteristic of science is the quantification of the mean quantity of natural phenomena can be shaped.

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